Deryneia Folkloric Museum / Open Air Museum for Traditional Professions

  • Location

    Demetri Liberti 2 & 3, Deryneia village, Ammochostos

  • Tickets

    €2,00 / Groups €1,00 (both museums)

  • Opening Times

    Winter: Monday - ­ Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 - ­17:00
    Summer: Monday - ­ Saturday: 09:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 -­ 18:00
    Closed on Sunday.

    All year round.
    Closed on Public Holidays.

  • Phone

Note: The CultureSpot team is doing its best to provide the most accurate information through regular updates. However, operating hours, entrance fees and any details thereof are subject to change without prior notice. Visitors are recommended to verify the information before planning their visit.

The Deryneia Folk Art Museum is situated within a historic traditional dwelling, where it presents an array of agricultural tools and equipment that were once utilized by farming families in the past.

Adjacent to it lies the Open Air Traditional Folk Art Museum, which offers a deeper insight into various traditional occupations through its exhibition rooms. These professions include furniture and shoe making, carpentry, tailoring, blacksmithing, building, barbering, sculpting, fishing, and farming, among others. Additionally, the museum hosts exhibitions on its premises, as well as cultural events and civil marriage ceremonies.

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